Daniel Storkel was born and raised in The Dalles, OR. When he isn’t working on a neighbor’s or a family member’s car, he’s tinkering with one of his own two ’65 Chevs. As a gifted mechanic and skilled trouble-shooter, this love affair has been going on for 25 years. He’s earned his cheddar in the tech industry for the past 18 years as an equipment maintenance tech, and Intel is the lucky employer with whom he is currently engaged.
Shari Kunz was born in Salt Lake City, and raised in Bountiful, UT. She studied Art and Film Studies at the University of Utah and earned her BS in Arts and Letters from Portland State University. She was a flight attendant with Delta until 911, during which time she managed her own rental properties. Since then, she’s gained experience in website development and photography. Her current interests include home improvement, reading, chess, and pool.
Daniel and Shari met in 2006 while working at Intel, and have been Huckleberry friends ever since. They share adulting activities, and enjoy playing pool and chess, live music, and riding bikes. Kunz/Storkel & Associates was founded in 2021.
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